

Here are the list of some of the social community development work that we engage ourselves in.

1. Rewards of quality education.

Rewards of quality education is a non-profit organisation based in Arusha Tanzania. We work together with Tumaini Tanzania sponsoring orphans and students living in hardship conditions who have passed their examinations.

The students are taken to Public Secondary schools, Vocational training institutions, Colleges and both private/public universities.

By this we make sure most students recognise their dream and the parents dream to educate their children come true.

If you feel a strong need to make a difference in the world, then sponsor a child’s education, Education is the best gift you can give to the future generation.

Better education means an enlightened generation, more opportunities, a new breed of leaders and a chance for them to break the poverty cycle.

For more information please reach us on: -----

Rewards on quality education ....................

Tumaini Tanzania ......................................





Upeo social development foundation is another non-profit organisation based in Kigoma that we work very close with for people willing to volunteer, provide Education, health and also help women in entrepreneurship.

We have a school by the name Magaba Secondary school that has lots of orphans that most volunteers visit, work and help students with their studies as much as sponsoring their education.

Being able to watch a poverty stricken child grow and flourish under sponsorship is the most satisfying feeling you can ever have after some years of your selfless generosity.

Most poverty stricken family’s die of a small illness for not being able to afford medication, providing good health facilities to such families is actually saving their life’s and those that depend on them.

The future is female……Its time we work towards creating an enabling environment for women entrepreneurs.


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